Problems and solutions

La Serena is not a small city at this time, but its downtown area is, there are many problems affecting people living, working and commuting here. Can you spot two problems here? What would be the  solutions for them?

4 comentarios:

dani g dijo...

here we have a lot of city problems, most of them are because of ntrafic jam, the streets are too smalls and some of them in bad state, there should build more highways.

Felipe Maluenda Dinamarca dijo...

In La Serena City have a two big problems, one of them, is a street dogs. Why street dogs? Because don't have food or house, also, eat patent of the cars, attack people. There should be more kennels. The other problem is small sidewalk. The Sidewalk in downtown they can not cope for too many people they walk in rush hour. They should leave the streets only for people, and remove the cars we transit. Also, this helping to decrease the delinquency.

Blacktruca dijo...

la serena city have a lood problems, one is bicycle line, are sou smile and narrow the solution is mark a new bicycle line in the city, more long and wider. fewers cars and more bicycle.
other problem en the city is the public transportation, we need a transportatiom mor fast and fewer cars and bus, that produce a lood a lood trafic jam. the solution is a subway, is fast and don't produce trafic jam.

-Giovanni Cortes

ivonne dijo...

one of the biggest problems of the serena are the dogs street and the accumulated litter in many places of downtown.
the first problem has a very easy solution:
-.There should be more people who adopt and do not buy.
-.there should be fewer places where sell animals
other comun problem is litter that is solved by being more aware of the environment

Describing people

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