Foreign cities

We've seen many cool and wonderful cities on movies, tv series or documentaries. There many famous ones such as Paris, Rome, London or New York. What city would you like to visit if you ever had the chance? Why? What would you do there? What places would you visit?

My favorite job

Working is something all of us must do in order to earn a living. The idea is that people do what they really like and makes them happy. Which is your favorite job? What does he/she do exactly? Where does he/she work? Why is it your favorite one?

Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling in Love With You (SUBTITULOS EN ESPAÑOL)

Elvis has an amazing playlist of hits, some romantic, others cheerful and funny, we can´t deny the fact that all of them are real classics. Can't help falling in love is one of those classics, covered by hundreds of artists and in a huge variety of styles. How do you like this song? Why? Do you know a better version? favorite is Chris Isaak's in Meet Joe Black.

Interesting cities

Chile has a lot of cities, but not all of them can be considered interesting. To do so, you need to have a set of activities, places to visit, places to eat and have a good time. So, according to that, Which Chilean city is interesting to you? Why?

Eleanor Rigby

Eleanor Rigby is a very interesting and sad song from The Beatles, they tell the story of a woman. How would you describe her?, What's your opinion about her life?

Countries and nationalities

There are many countries in the world, some of them are really exciting and interesting to know, maybe because of their culture, landscapes, history or art. What country would you like to visit? Why? 

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer