Eleanor Rigby

Eleanor Rigby is a very interesting and sad song from The Beatles, they tell the story of a woman. How would you describe her?, What's your opinion about her life?

6 comentarios:

Felipe Maluenda Dinamarca dijo...

It's a very sad song because Elenor Rigby the woman was going to marry, but nothing assist and Elenor dead. The woman dead beacause she have much sadness in your heart.
Felipe Maluenda Dinamarca 3º medio

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

Eleanor Rigby is a woman solitary that working in a church,
we dont know much about her, she died in the church and in her funeral nobody came.

ivonne dijo...

eleanor rigby I think she was a lonely woman because in the song she says that her funeral nobody attended
he also says that: she picks up the rice
from the church where a wedding took place ... then I think that she spent a lot of time in church even when she died, they buried her there.

dani g dijo...

eleanor rigby is a so sad song that tell us about a woman with a very lonely life, and when she died no one came to her funeral excepting father mckenzie.
that story show us how lonely could be a person and makes us think about it in a reflectibe way.

(daniela gómez a.)

Blacktruca dijo...

I think the Eleanor Rigby history is very sadness because the song tell us a history about a girl who was go to marry, but nothing assist at the weeding and then she dieds.

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer