
Friends are very important for every one. We can say that a real friend is like a brother or sister we had the luck to choose. They are a companion, a support and of course a voice that gives us love and understanding. We always remember the way we became friends or the moment when we first met. I met one of my best friends a long time ago when we were applying to the Escuela de Música, to enter 5th Grade. We are still good friends. How about you? How did you meet one of your best friends?

My favorite TV program

TV has a wide variety of programs to choose from. We can watch good and bad ones, some are really interesting but others are a real waste of time. You can choose intelligent content, silly shows, cultural and educational ones, action films or thrilling serials. My favorite programs are the documentaries on Discovery and History channel, because they are funny, interesting and of course they teach you a lot of things. How about you?

Who wants to be a millionaire?

A moving film that reflects the real situation of children in India. Poverty, lack of opportunities, violence and abbuse of rights are every day things there. What do you think about this real life story?

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer