My favorite TV program

TV has a wide variety of programs to choose from. We can watch good and bad ones, some are really interesting but others are a real waste of time. You can choose intelligent content, silly shows, cultural and educational ones, action films or thrilling serials. My favorite programs are the documentaries on Discovery and History channel, because they are funny, interesting and of course they teach you a lot of things. How about you?

12 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

My favorite TV programs are the serials, as Doctor House and "La rosa de Guadalupe" because are very funny and good ones.

I like Doctor house because is a great doctor, a bit moody, a bit cruel, very very honest and discovers mysterious diseases.

I like La rosa de guadalupe because is a serials with much content of values and deals about miracles of "La virgen de Guadalupe"

I hate programs shopping and children!

By: Katherine Alfaro :)

Anónimo dijo...

My favorite program is CQC because is very funny and are ironic with persons. Also laugh at of the politicians.

By: Camilo Alfaro Vergara

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

The TV show I like the reality of the day PELOTON , although that does not deliver much in education is one of the programs that entertains me more and I need to pass the time.

By:Daniela Cabezas

Valhë dijo...

My favorite TV program is the Simpsons, because I believe it is a program very funny, most of the characters are entertaining, stupids and interesting.
Usually I laugh a lot with with the Simpsons, but I don't like to see repeated episodes.

by: Valeria Alfaro =)

Brayatan Vyron dijo...

my favourite tv shows are cartoons, i really like Los Simpsons And Futurama

i like los simpson but they are so funny and they humor are Funny

I like Futurama because the humor of they program are so sarcastic and ironic.

Jose fLoReS
3º Miedo

ivan dijo...
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ivan dijo...

my favorite tv program is CQC, is a show news, very entertaining and funny, in this program ironic characters of the politic and the TV. Is a of the best program of TV.

BY: the symbol boy... kjakajkaakj.....el ivan...xd

ivan dijo...

"D13 Goles" is my favorite program because it is a program where you very well informed on national and international sport, especially football.
By: Sebastian Olivares

ivan dijo...
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danielhm15 dijo...

My favorite Tv program is "Prison Break" because is very entertaining,interesting,and the best is that each chapter leaves out the person excited to see the next chapter.
HURRY Prison Break!!! XD

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

my favorite game shows is that LA MURALLA INFERNAL entertains me much, I'm dying of laughter and I love seeing how people hit and falls to the water. I also like watching the lifeguards because they're very attractive!

Valhë dijo...

My favorite TV program is NCIS Naval criminology.
is my favorite, because this is what I want to study when you leave half of one quarter, and it calls me a lot of attention on developing its scenes of every day

by valeria montero

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer