My favorite movie

Movies are a great way to have a good time, with them you can dream and feel many things. There are many styles to choose from, horror, thrillers,  drama, science fiction and much more.
I like many movies, but one of my favorite ones is "The last samurai.", it shows the story of an American in Japan in the times of the fall of the samurais, it's a great movie starred by Tom Cruise.
Which is your favorite movie? What is it about?

Fun in the past

People had a very nice and relaxed life in the past, they enjoyed many different and simple activities, less technology but more communication and movement. How did they spend their free time 50 or 60 years ago?, What about people in the 80's or 90's? How did you enjoy your free time when you were just a little kid?

My winter vacations

Having a break after a long period of school is great, you can rest, do other activities, sleep late and change routine. What were your last vacations like? Did you enjoy them? What did you do? 

Free time, my favorite things.

Free time is great, you can enjoy many different activities and things. One of the most important ones are music, movies and reading,
Which are your favorite  kind of music, movie  and  books? Why do you like each of them?

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer