My memories

As we grow up we stop doing certain things, then they become nice memories from childhood or adolescence. Toys, friends, places or tv programs are part of all of those memories. I remember playing with my friends, we used to "build" a long toy car race track, full of slopes, tunnels, bridges and more, then the race started. We used to play with two or three cars at a time.}

What about you? What things did you use to do?

My favorite music style

There is a lot of music styles, each one represent different feelings and can be listened to in different contexts, some of them are soft, relaxing, moving, exciting and even boring. I really love music, so I like a lot of styles rock, classical, metal, opera, jazz, blues, some kind of salsa, tango, soundtrack and a long etcetera. One of the styles I often listen to is this vocal jazz. It's great, moving and nice to listen to.
So what's your favorite style?

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer