Your worst day.

Which is the day you hate the most? Which day do you pray to finish as soon as it starts? Mine is Monday, it is a really long day for me (classes from 08:00 to 17:15 and then once again from 21:30 to 23:00), it is hard because I have classes all day long and also because it is the first day of the week. Well, not everything can be perfect, don't you think so?

Weekends, a time to rest

All of us expect anxiously for the weekend to arrive, Monday is not the best day, Wednesday is a little light of hope during the week and Friday means a relief because the school or work week is over, thanks God!!!
From Friday afternoon up to Sunday we are free, we can sleep a little bit more, meet our friends or just do nothing. What do you do on your weekend? Is it a real rest?

Which is your favorite item of clothing?

All of us have a favorite item of clothes, because they are comfortable, cool, they make you look more attractive or just because they are fashionable. My favorite are jeans, in spite of the fact that I don't wear them too often, I think they are comfortable, warm and suitable for a lot of occasions. What's your favorite one?

Is appearance important?

Some people say that appearance is really important, "first impression" is what everyone remembers, but is appearance so important. Should we try to be thinner, more attractive or muscular? or Should we die trying it?
In my opinion it is important but not the most relevant thing, values and the kind of person your are is first.

Your ideal couple

Everyone has an ideal of man or woman, some are attracted by personality, others mainly by the physical appearance. How's your ideal couple like?

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer