Is appearance important?

Some people say that appearance is really important, "first impression" is what everyone remembers, but is appearance so important. Should we try to be thinner, more attractive or muscular? or Should we die trying it?
In my opinion it is important but not the most relevant thing, values and the kind of person your are is first.

18 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

for me the appearance it's not important because the person voucher more for your feeling and way be ,I think that apperance is the least of it.

Romina dijo...

The appearance is not so important. The most important is known to people and value of the true feelings.

By: Romina Díaz

HighSchoolCeb dijo...
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.......:pilita:....... dijo...

The appearance is not important because the feelings no look for clothes that to use, but first there that know the person due that the superficial walk witch the years and feelings is permanent.

By:Camila Ortiz

HighSchoolCeb dijo...
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HighSchoolCeb dijo...

I think that the physical aspect is important but not the most important because the first impression don't forget, besides everybody is judge for the appearance without be well know, is the first that look at when you search a job. But for me the most important is the person with values, virtues, defects, fellings, goals and dreams.

By: Tamara Villalobos

Aldo Dagakoes dijo...

Yes,for me the appearence is important, because we have to take care our appearence. Somebody says that those kind of things isn`t important, but we live in a world of appearence.

by: Aldo

Unknown dijo...

for me the appearence it's not important because the important are the feeling ,not the clothes.

by:german .a

_.:CoNI:._ dijo...

The appeareance it's not important, becouse the that is very important is the feeling of the peoples, besides is important the personality.

By: ..:ConstanzA:..

Anónimo dijo...

. The appearance is not important, because, the feeling more important are the true and not the false, is important know to the person and your true intentions toward the other person. Depends of every person.


Live Musiic dijo...

The appaerance is not important, because is more important the feeling of the people and the personality.

● ๋●•๋:▪»By: Maxi Alfaro =)

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

i think appearance is very important for the people in the strets imports the appearance and they discriminating you.

by italo

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

the appearance is not so important becouse clothes , shoes , not is important , the most important is the honesting and feelings .

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

el seba es el de arriba :F

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

For me the appearance is important, but is not everything in life, I mean we have to care about this topic but we can left this topic be come in everything for us.
My personal appearance, but I'm not obsessed with this.
When I like a boy I look his appearance, but I prefer his feeling.

By: Paula Yañez.-

krhizx dijo...

The appearance is not important.
the person must seek the interior human beings.

By:Cristian Rojo

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

the appearance is very important because it is what the whole world is fixed first appearance DePue the other.

alonso olivares

Unknown dijo...

my favourite dress is t shirts with loose shorts its always comfortable

Describing people

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