My ideal couple

All of us look for someone to share our life, a couple to be with us and perhaps form a family in the future. We all have an idea about what we want, perhaps tall, or short (why not?), blond haired or dark hair, well the important is that we feel well and happy with that person. What your ideal couple like?

My ideal house

A nice place to live is very important for everyone. There you can feel safe, comfortable and happy, and of course make it more than a place just to live. What's your ideal house like?, Is it in the seaside, country or in the urban area? A house or an apartment?


Families are very important in everybody's life, they give us support, love and understanding. Our families are always there at our side when we need them, in hard and in good times. What's your family like?


 Gravity is an Oscar winning movie that shows the desperation of a couple of astronauts when they suffer a serious break down during a space mission, they are far from home and of course far from any help. What's your opinion about the story? Could it be possible in real life?

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer