My family

There are many different kinds of families, some of them are small, others really big, but one thing is quite clear and it's that they are really important. What's your family like? Who are they?

7 comentarios:

Valentina Rojas dijo...

The are 5 in my family.
My parentes are Claudia y Daniel, my big brother names's Daniel, he have a daughter (mi niece) and his girldfriend call Nico. I am the middle sister, and my little brother name's Nacho.
My family is not so big, but is okay and i love them.

emilia shader dijo...

my family is small, we are 5 in my home,i live with my grandmother, mother, brother and my stepfather. we every nigth meet and dine. my family is very affectionate and understanding
we love see movies evening. we like to spend time together.

Emilia Shader

Gabriela Contreras dijo...

I have a small family, i live with my mom, i'm an only child and i see my father sometimes in the month. My grandparents lives near to me and i see them everyday. My aunt and my cousin (girl) lives in the same city as my father. I also have a dog, her name is Pelu, she lives with my grandparents and i see her in the weekend. When i go to the city where my father lives i see my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles and my cousins, my father's family is bigger than my mother's family.

emilia shader dijo...

My family is very nice, affectionate and very talkative. Every Sunday we hold family meetings and we talk about what has not happened during the week.

Dayana Cortez.

javiera dijo...

There are 6 in my family.
I have one brother his name is lucas, i have two sisters and their names are Martina and florencia .
My mom is very lovely and my father is grumpy.
I am the big sister

Jeici Rivera dijo...

They are 4 in my family. I have my mom who, just like me, have the same name (Jeici). I also have my dad that his name is Jilberto, my grandmother, my mother's mother. We are Few but we still love and support each other.

madacidol dijo...

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