My ideal couple

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Everyone looks for a couple in certain time of their lives, that person should meet an ideal of person. Some looks for beauty, others for personality .
What is your ideal person like? Is it posible to find him/her?

6 comentarios:

Valentina Rojas dijo...

My ideal man is tall, a little bit overweight, good looking, wavy haired, and dimples. Maybe is light eyed, but with a nice smile.

emilia shader dijo...

My ideal man is tall and overweight. He has a short,straight and brown hair, he has a hazel eyes and he has a pimples.

-Emilia Shader

emilia shader dijo...

my ideal boy has to be tall with light colored eyes, dark hair and have a nice smile.
Dayana Cortez

Jeici Rivera dijo...

My ideal boy is Tall, Slim or Overweight, young, short straight haired or wavy haired, round face or thin face, with dimples and moles.

Gabriela Contreras dijo...

My ideal couple needs to be of my age, I don’t care about the look of him, but it would be nice if he has shoulder length hair, pale skin and brown eyes. He needs to have sense of humor and he needs to be very smiling.

Unknown dijo...

My ideal man is tall, with a beautiful smile and beautiful eyes, and also that be lovely and support me in everything.

-Javiera Cortés

Describing people

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