The most beautiful monument

Many countries are famous for their monuments, some are impressive like the Great Wall of China or the Pyramids, but both are full of history and ,meaning. Which is the monument you like the most?, Which is the one you would like to visit? Why?

5 comentarios:

Felipe Maluenda Dinamarca dijo...

The monument that I like, and I want to visit is Archeological Monument of Chavin of Huantar civilization in Peru, is a beatiful place, filled with culture and history, with abundant vegetation. It is better known as the Rome of the Andes. It was declared a World Heritage Site in 1989.

dani g dijo...


i'd like to visit the catedral of Notre Dame. Because it have a important history and is a very old construccion that means too much to the Notre Dame's people.

Blacktruca dijo...

My favorite monument in the whole world is the sacred family, located in Barcelona. It was created by Antonio Gaudi in march of 1882.

I would like to visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris because I think is very beatiful and striking and other of te monuments that i would like to visit is the Redentor Christs in Rio de Janeiro because that means a lot for the brazilian people so that´s curious for me...


Blacktruca dijo...

my favorite monument is Petra in Jodania, it is a city of millions of years, which is made of clay carved in the pardes.

The city of Petra is one of the most developed for its time, because it had water channels, and that's why it turned it into an oasis in the desert. and the started is 63 A.C and i like the hisotry of the petra and the construction.

Giovanni Cortes

ivonne dijo...

The monument I want to visit is the Eiffel Tower. It was designed by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel in the year 1887.
I like it because it is one of the most important monuments in the world.
Paris is one of the most famous countries. Because it has more than one tourist attraction, which makes it more special to travel.
The Eiffel Tower is very beautiful at night with its lights which makes it more attractive to visit.

ivonne velazco

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