
 Visiting other places is great, but the way you get there is other thing too, you can be bored to death or it can be a real experience.  The company, the itinerary, the vehicle, weather, the things you take with you are some of the things that can really make a trip something unforgettable. D
o you like traveling? Do you have a good time when you do it?

6 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

i love travel arround my country because i like to visit new places, and i spend a good time with my family or my friends


Unknown dijo...

Yes, I love travel so much, i think this is the unic experience to scape of the rutine and the ordinary. Well, I have a really good time in anyway because travel is wonderful.

María Contreras

quien dijo...

yes, i'm like traveling, the things i'm like for travel are the sight and the time with my family in the vehicle, the sandwich's and the cola to drink. because of that i'm like traveling very much.


KataaIgnaciaa dijo...

yes! I love travelling because I can spend more time with my relatives, besides I can know many places and nice people, I have a good time when I travel because if I travel with my family, I have fun with my brother, and if I travel with my friends I know that I'll laugh a lot.

Katalina Trujillo

Darlyn Martínez dijo...
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Darlyn Martínez dijo...

Yes, I like the idea of travel because I can visit some friends that live in others citys, besides I can visit new places but, I hate long travel.

-Darlyn Martínez

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