Chilean produce

Chile is a long and rich country when it comes to talk about natural resources, we can find a wide variety of fruit, fish, cattle and minerals. Which do you think is the most important produce? Why? Where is it produced? How is it produced?

5 comentarios:

quien dijo...

the most important produce are redwine because is a important drinkable around the world and chile produce the finest redwine in the world, are produced in the maipo, is produced with selected cabernet sauvignon grapes, the color are deep red ruby, the scent are from the redcurrant,the entrance is a wine with structure and firmness. is from red meat. is the casillero del diablo wine devil's collection


Unknown dijo...

The most important thing that is produced in Chile is the wine, because is delicius and the finest arround the world, is very important in each party. it is mainly produced in the south of chile in o'higgins region, maule region and metropolitan region, and it is produced by the grapes pulp fermented


KataaIgnaciaa dijo...

I think that cooper it's the most important produce because it's the base for the country's economy, besides thanks to copper we can have a good quality life, it's produced in Chuquicamata, in the north of chile and the copper is extracted from the ground because it's a mineral.

Katalina Trujillo

Unknown dijo...

The most important produce is the minerals beacuse this are the product who more revenue brings to Chile. This is produced in the north of Chile, principal in the III region and the II region. They are extracted of a mined and later defendant depend of they use.

María Contreras
4to Medio

Darlyn Martínez dijo...

The most important is the copper and the fishing because it's the economic support of Chile.
The copper to produce in the north of Chile and, the fishing in the south of Chile.
The copper it's extracted of the mine and are taken to the plant in trucks for continued with his process.
The fishing it's extracted of the ocean of the south of Chile.


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