
Everybody has wishes and longings. Some of us wishes things to be different, or feel regrets about things we haven't done. If you ask me I would have done a lot of things I never did, I would have got the tickets to the music camp in Boston, I would have focused my interest in just a couple of things at a time, I wish I would have hung out more. If you ask me now, I wish I had more free time. Well, so How about you? What do you wish now? and What do you wish about the things you did or didn't do?

7 comentarios:

►Mimy*[15] dijo...

I wish I could have enjoyed more my childhood, I think that I didn’t understand that this is fast, if only didn’t worried for many ‘’stupids’’, or I could have given less importance to what for me were ''problems,'' I could have spent more time with my family and friends, that miss my life with a video games… But I think that's the only thing that I regret, but if I wish many things in the future... I would be a nice family with a lot of childrens, with a big house… like in the movies. I would like to travel around the world, know different countries and also one of my wishes I would be a professional football coach, and have a healthy and happy life, surrounded by my family.

By: Domynyk Brown V.

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

I wish I went go on vacation for more places with my family. Also I would have liked to have another personality.
Now I wish change my personality, enjoy life more as my friend Gallego and get to know new places.
I wish I had bougth that new cell phone and get to know new people.

By: Sofía Godoy Varas

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

All my life I wished travel and live in another place. I wish traveled around the world, know new places and new people.
Also I wish to be a succeful person, that has a good job and a nice family.
But I think all my wishes are will fulfilled in the future, just is thing to strive and wait.

By Ailyn Diaz

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

I wishes make new friends in the university. I wishes enjoy life more, becouse I think I'm young, and often do not dare to do things for fear.
I wishes I liked improve my personality, and I think I am shy, quiet, and I communicate very little with the people.
I wishes I would like to be spontaneous ams, happier, more responsible, more caring and more participatory.
I regret not to aver as a kid enjoyed the simple things, having played more with my family and aver that joy had a child.

By: Patricio Caro

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

I wish I would like to have shared more with my grandparents in my childhood, because at that time I lived with them, but as a child I did not realize how quickly time passed, and only charge me to enjoy and all children at that age, until he was eleven years old when we moved house and as a family we separate households, and in this day and time I bit, and and are increasingly less as they are physically and mentally, but no doubt I love, That's the only thing I regret my childhood happy because I can say I had a very good childhood, but in future I want many things, being in college, get my degree, work, raise families, live in a big house where there are large trees and never lose touch with my family and closest friends.

BY: Josee Galleguillos

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

I would like that my childhood return to now. Come back to the year 1998 and live again all the good moments that I can remember now, but with a little detail, without preoccupations, without think that I some day I'll grow up. Now, I wish i have a lot of material things, like a cool motorbike, or a big SUV. I wish would have a great family in future, I'd like have just two kids, a boy and a girl, but that they have all that they want. I wish have a good job, gain good money and that my childs have a good life.

By: José Gahona Castro

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

I have many whihes, some more realistic than others, for example, I whish to live alone, because es more quiet, and I like, also I wish I travel the world, the first place I would like to know is Bali, because is interesting, I would like be more happy, and not be "forever alone", I wish I be in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry :D


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