Fruits and vegetables

Fruits are fresh and vegetables are healthy, all of us must eat them, but sometimes we don't eat them because of time. My favorite fruit is peach, it's fresh, sweet, juicy and healthy. I like it in any form even in a cereal bar. About vegetables I like asparagus, they are really great.

So which is your favorite fruit and vegetable? Why do you like them? How do you like it the most?

7 comentarios:

Paula dijo...

I like so many fruits and vegetables because my family always said me that eat vegetables is good for my health.
I love the potato and tomato, but my favorite vegetable is the avocado because it is creamy and I like eat in salad and with bread. A vegetable that I hate is the beets.

My favirete fruit is the apple, because it is fresh, hard and juicy. Also I like de apple juice, I drink that when I was a little girl. Also I like the custard apple in ice cream.

By: Pau Ardiles López

Anónimo dijo...

My favourite fruit is the watermelon, because is very juicy and have a good taste. Besides is very good for the summer, cause is very fresh.
I like as a fruit or like a juice.

My favourite vegetable is the tomato, because is very fresh and appear in almost all foods.
I like that with fried fish, potatos, and some other dishes, but above all i like tomato juice over the rice.

Paula dijo...

My favourite fruit is strawberry it is very delicious sweat and tasty. I love strawberries with sugar ( when necesary) and cream, also i like candied strawberries and ice cream.
I like lettuce, cubbage, celery, cucumbers, broccoli and couliflower because it is very healthy and very delicious. I like these vegetables with a lot of lemon juice, olive oil and salt.

By: Francisca Plaza R.

Lexaa dijo...

my favorite fruit is the banana and apple
I like its sweet and delicious fruit is also the most fills me when I have hunger.
i loke to eat the banana of any form even frit and apple i like peel and eat.

i'm not vegetable favorite but the most i like is the
lettuce, but with lemon in salad.


HighSchoolCeb dijo...

fruits are very delicious, I really like, though not as often, I love them, especially in summer, as they are very fresh.
my favorite fruit is a watermelon, because is very delicius and very juicy, which makes it very refreshing; but to eat, I take the seeds.
my favorite vegetable is an artichoke, but only eat the bottom, i love; I also like to add seasonings such as vinegar, lemon and salt, and sometimes as mayonnaise.

by kahty santibañes :P

Debora Sarria dijo...

My favorites fruits are strawberrys and bana because have good flavor and in the case strawberry is refreshing and are delicious.
My favorites vegetables are letucce, brocoli and tomatoes because are healthy and are rich with lemon and give a touch to the food.

Bye: Dèbora Sarria

Lexaa dijo...

i like fruits and vegetables in general,but i have my favorite is watermelon fruit because it is very juicy and sweet... i never get bored of eathing watermelon., i also like when prepared in natural juices and any other foods like candy.

My favorite vegetable is celery because it is refreshing and it tastes verydiferent fromother vegetables.

By: Valentina Colina

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