My best recipe

Do you like cooking? or at least Do you know how to cook?. Cooking is a really useful skill, even better if you like (or love) cooking, What's the dish you cook the best? How is it prepared? Share your recipe here.

5 comentarios:

Blacktruca dijo...

I like cooking because is an relaxing an fun activity. I'm good cooking rice.
First I put the rice on water for five minutes to heat, then I add some butter to make the rice more good.
Finally I serve the rice with any added.

- Blacktruca

ivonne dijo...

the recipe that I like the most is pulpito with spagetti and tomato sauce with cheese.
the pulpito is sausage cut into pieces and they are introduced noodles until they are filled then boiled and put tomato sauce with cheese

ivonne velazco.

Felipe Maluenda Dinamarca dijo...

I am not a very good cook, but there is something that is very good, fried eggs, it is very simple, you just have to take a little oil in a pan and put two eggs with the precaution that you do not break the yolk, let them fry for 6 minutes and ready.

Felipe Maluenda

Unknown dijo...

I like cooking pasta, because is a best food, have ground meat, tomato sauce and noodles, is easy to make the pasta. I put pasta on water for 10 minutes, next mix every ingredint and finish.
I cook pasta when my friends come to my house.

giovanni cortes.

dani g dijo...

i like cooking, i don't do it too often, but i think i'm good. i like to cook lasagna, the preparation is a little tired, includes a lot of ingredients but sometimes is good to make something diferent

Daniela Gomez

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