Famous landmarks

Monuments and natural features are what we call landmarks, they are something every person around the world identify and associate with certain countries. We can name towers, statues, buildings and so on.  What landmark would you like to visit? Why? What do you know about it?

9 comentarios:

Nicolás Valenzuela dijo...

i would like to visit the "hand of the desert" in Atacama's desert. this hand or work of art was built in the early 80’s by the chilean sculptor Mario Irarrázabal. the sculpture is a ghostly human hand ripping through the desert to reach for the stars, but, what i see is It’s like a giant was flash-buried in the desert, trying to reach the sky. is an amazing sculpture and i want to see it.

Barbara dijo...

I'd like to visit de monument of independence or also called "The Angel of Independence" is located in the city of Mexico. This monument is for the commemoration of Mexico's centennial of independence. Currently is the most popular monument in that city and in there people makes a celebrations or national demonstrations.


Camila dijo...

I would like visit the "Christ the redeemer"statue is located on the top of Cerro del Corcovado, 710 meters above sea level. With arms outstretched, the image of Christ seems to be protecting the city that never sleeps. is a atractive place and imposing, its the place that must visit, and i like because Brazil my favorite country and this monument you see the all city, the beautiful beaches, and you can be calm in paradise, full of trees


Unknown dijo...

I'd like to visit the Great Wall of China, the largest structure ever built because I really l ike to climd the stairs, even knowing that there are many and I think that this landmark have a history pretty interesting: It was built in the Qin Dynasty, 200 years b.C, in order to protect itself from the attacks of the habitants of present-day Mongolia. At the moment only a small accessible part of the 4,000 km of wall is conserved. The width and height of some sections are impressive. Although much of it's in poor condition or deteriorated, some sections of the wall are in good condition, thanks to repairs, renovations and protection programs by the Chinese government.

Hans Brown dijo...

I want to visit again the "Iguazu Falls", this place is awesome, you can connect with the natural, you see variety of flora, big and small trees, flowers, vine. You can't touch de water, because the way have a metal barrier that separates you about one meter from the water.
You can stay in the top of the waterfall but it's dangerous, because you don't have protection and it's very slippery. This place it's expensive, it's better that you bring water and food. The most important is that you need have a great coat, because rain all the day and it's humid.

Sebastián Torres dijo...

a famous landmark is the Eiffel Tower, is the most famous monument of France, when someone say "France" the first think you think is in the Eiffel tower, the Eiffel tower is 324 meter high, it was desingned by Maurice Koechlin and Émile Nouguie,is made of iron, in a year, almost six million of people Maurice Koechlin y Émile Nouguieisited the tower, the tower has was build betwen the Sena River, you can go to the top in a elevator, when you are in the top of the tower you can see all the city, is beautiful and pretty romantic

Unknown dijo...

Yeraldy Piñones

I would like to visit "The Great Wall of China" is an ancient Chinese fortress built and rebuilt between the 5th century BC. C. and the sixteenth century to protect the northern border of the Chinese Empire during the successive imperial dynasties of the attacks of nomadic Xiongnu of Mongolia and Manchuria. mainly its history, the amount of visitors that walk this wall that measures 21 200 kilometers long have you want to know it with great enthusiasm to travel it would be impressive

Unknown dijo...

What landmark would you like to visit? Why? What do you know about it?

The place of reference that I would like to visit would be the Eiffel tower in France. Since being a tourist monument, in the time where it was built, it shows art, and love in this monument of great illumination. I would love to meet you since they say it is a very beautiful place, full of magic. Apart from being a very touristy place it is said that Paris is the city of love.

Angela Rivera

Unknown dijo...

I'd like to visit Monument Rushmore. The monument represent the heads of four president of United State. The location is Keystone, South Dakota. The idea of creating a monumental sculpture in the Black Hills was first suggested in 1923 by South Dakota state, the four heads in the sculpture symbolize the first 150 years of the United States: Washington to represent the country’s founding; Jefferson, its expansion across the continent; Roosevelt, its development domestically and as a global power; and Lincoln, its preservation through the ordeal of civil war. I like this monument because is interesting because represent historty about United State also I love the detail to the perfection that it has, it is very well made and it was only built with rock.

-Sofia Cortes. :-)

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