My favorite artist

One of my favorite artists is Gustav Mahler, he was a great composer and conductor. He was born in the Czech Republic. He had a very tragic and hard life, he lost a lot of beloved relatives (including a daughter), these events marked his works and made them so impressive and beautiful. He composed nine great symphonies and lots of w
orks for singers, choir and orchestra
Who is your favorite artista? How was his/ her life? What did he/she do?

5 comentarios:

quien dijo...

my favorite artist was Jean-Honoré Fragonard.
he lived in france in the rococo period he was a painter the best work of art to me are the The swing or Les hasards heureux de l'escarpolette but the last are a little difficult

Unknown dijo...

My favorite artist is Michael Jackson, he was a great singer, composer and dancer. He was born in Gary, Indiana, Estados Unidos. He had a great life full of luxuries and fame. He had evrything, but his childhood was very tragic because his father abuse of he,forcing to sing with his brothers to win money. And he never enjoy his childhood and this marked for all is life. But all of this, didn't stop he created music was the best and converted in the King of Pop.

María Contreras

Darlyn Martínez dijo...

My favorite artist is Elvis Presley, he was a great rock and roll singer and american actor.
He was born in USA. He was raised in a poor family and that he had to start working from very small.

-Darlyn Martínez

Unknown dijo...

One of my favorite artists is Ludwig van Beethoven, he born in germany in 1770. He start his musican life at 1779 when he met to Christian Gottlob Neefe, who was his master. he was a member of Bonn's orchestra since 1783, they carreer started to be interrumpted since 1796 because he started to develop the deafness, but after this he would get ahead.
The melody that i like the most is Moonlight Sonata, it's full of feelings

Nombre: Juan Pablo Pinto
Curso: 4° Medio Electivo Ingles
Cuidad: La Serena, Chile
Profesor: Christian Castillo
Color Favorito: Verde

KataaIgnaciaa dijo...

one of my favorite artists is Robin Williams, he was a amazing actor and comedian, he was born in Chicago, USA, Williams was bullied badly during childhood for being chubby and would often spend much of his time playing alone in the family's large home to avoid his tormentors, he could get ahead and he played numerous memorable film roles, both comedic and dramatic when he was grew.

katalina trujillo

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer