
There are lots of Jobs which are nice and interesting. Some people like being in contact with others so they can be speakers, teachers or psychologists, others are good at math, so they can be engineers, architects or builders.
What job do you like? Why?

7 comentarios:

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KataaIgnaciaa dijo...

I'd like to be architect because is very interesting and i can drawing houses, besides this field have mathematics

katalina trujillo

quien dijo...

I'd like to be programmer because i'm like the computer's: hardware and software, but i'm is keen on the software area so that's why i'd to be the programmer


Unknown dijo...

I'd like to be an Actress because this is interesting and is releated to arts and i like very much the art. But if not an Actress, i'd like to be a reporter. So something releated with the art.

María Contreras.

Unknown dijo...

i'd like to be an english or math teacher because it's very interesting and i like teaching to my friends. They are my favorites topics. if for any reason i can't be teacher, i will be an engineer

Juan Pablo Pinto
3° Medio

Unknown dijo...

id like to be a doctor for helping the people and those who need it most in emergency but i'm not good in biology and i'am afraid of blood

name: javiera molina

Darlyn Martínez dijo...

I'd like to be in the navy because is very interesting and beautiful.
Thanks do it I can help the people.

Darlyn Martínez Peña

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer