
There's a lot of delicious, fresh and healthy food to choose from. It's very clear that food is important, not just as fuel for our body, but as a way to keep healthy and strong.
If you ask me I like vegetables and fruit, salads, stews and stir fried vegetables are great, tasty and delicious. What's your favorite food? Why?

8 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

my favorite food is raviolis because I like the taste and I think is delicious.

by: catalina herrera dijo...

my favorite food is (start) mix salad, with tomatos corn, potatos, letuce, abocado, etc. (after that) lasagna, because is delicious and is like pasta but more funny and interesting (?). (dessert) chocolate cake or sweetmeats.
by: tamara c: dijo...

my favorite food is pizza because you can choose your favorite ingredients and is to your liking

By: Esteban Rojas

Unknown dijo...

My favorite food is corn pie because I thimk it's delicious and it makes me remember to my family in Santiago.

By: Belén Tetzner

Unknown dijo...

My favorite food is fried fish with russian salad, I like it too much because is delicious to me and the mix of this things are very good.
With a soda or fruit juice.

By: Hector Riquelme

Unknown dijo...

My favorite food is pasta with scramble egg because it's simple and I like the taste.

By: Daniel Cortés

Unknown dijo...

my favorite food is (porotos granados) beans, because is a healthy food , it makes me remember the summer.
and is a tradition in my family.

by: maria catalina millao.

Unknown dijo...

My favorite food is Chinese food because it has a few flavors that I find everywhere :) also the favorite food joint which are usually delicious flavors.
also is my favorite dish and what it does not change it for the world :)

I'd like Chinese food xD

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