What if....?

What if you had a lot of time and money? What would you do?, Would you travel? or buy a lot of stuff?
People dream about this fantasy but not all of them can make it true. So what would you do if....?

5 comentarios:

Alee dijo...

If I had much money would travel and luggage would save for my future would invest in good shape and not spend it all.
Money can be used much in this world almost everything with purchases.

By: Alexandra

pansho cortes dijo...

if a had of money, i will buy house for parent, and too another for me.
too i will pay my studies and for brothers and sister .

pansho cortes dijo...

el de arriba es mi (debora)

Alee dijo...

if i had a lot of money and free time i love to travel, concerted various parts of the world with their customs and traditions of each.
I'd also like to buy a lot of cothes and accessories, especially many shoes and jackets
Also i would like to help in some way to people who need it.
By : Valentina Olivares

kathylipa dijo...

if I had a lot of money, the first thing I would do is pay all debts of my mother and my family and pay my studies and my brother, for us to study and draw the race we want.
help my family in what you want and need.
after that would give me time to travel through the most beautiful and pleasant in the world, with the people closest to me.
and another thing I would do, would be a great foundation for those animals that have been abandoned on the street or are sick and need veterinary help.
If after that I have money in the bank would keep.

Describing people

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