What's the matter?

This guy is really sick, he doesn't feel fine. What's the matter?,  What does he have?. Give him a good advice to feel better.

7 comentarios:

Paula dijo...

he is really sick. he has a cold but with a lot of cough, he has a headache and sore eyes.

He look really bad and he feel too. He should take a break, drink honey with lemon and use medication like syrup.

By Pau Ardiles López :D

Anónimo dijo...

He feel sick because he has a cold or the flu. Maybe he doesn't use umbrella when the rain arrives and take a bad cold.
He will take some medicines and take a rest.

Debora Sarria dijo...

he feel sick.He have strong a cold.
not feeling very well.I would recommend to go to the doctor to prescribe some medications

Paula dijo...

he have a flu, he feel very sick. ha have cough, sore t6hroat, sore eyes, high fever, shivery and chest pain.

He should take one tablet every eight hours and He should have total bed rest for two week and he should drink a lot of water.

By Francisca Plaza Raio

Lexaa dijo...

the man has cold that that gave your vacation to england their symptoms, has fever, sore eyes and cough also has headache and sore throat, i recommend go to bed for one week, take a medicine and things hot.


Lexaa dijo...

He has a cold, because he did not care as long as his vacation,he feel sick, he have a headache and a sore throat a good advice for feel better is that the he should have rest in the bed and eat soup and liquids and water.

By:Valentina Colina

kathylipa dijo...

what he has is a cold, very sick, probably have headaches, runny nose and fever.
what he would do very well to take rest, drink lots of water, and chicken soup.
If these measures still sick, and a doctor would need medication.

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