My life project

Leaving school leaves you a very important and crucial point in your life, deciding what to do for the rest of your life: I mean this is the moment when really big decisions must be taken. What’s best: studying or working? Humanities, Arts or Sciences? Even plans to get your own family are part of those options.
So What can you share of your plans for the future?

7 comentarios:

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...
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►Mimy*[15] dijo...

I plan for my future... The next year, to get in the University and study there for: physical education teacher, also to work on the weekends, to help my parents with the monthly, I plan to get a driver's license and to get a car, to move more quickly and comfortably... like hobby keep playing soccer, but in the University. After graduating and start to work like teacher, I'd like to get my own home, get married and I plan to have a large Family.

By: Domynyk Brown.

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

for my future I want to get in college.I would like to study architecture, becouse I like to create and imagine modern buildings. The architecture courses is humanistic and has a bit of scientific.
but first I must get a good score in the PSU.
I hope to find a good job and I feel comfortable.
I want to have my home and be a good person.

By: Patricio Caro.

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

I'd love to study in a state university the next year, but i'm not too sure if I'll go to one, because the situation today is very diffiult, the marches, loan, etc.
If I get on a state university, I'd like to study something related to arts and math, like architecture, or if my PSU score is better, some engineering.
If I don't get in to the university, or it is still on strike, I'll work for one year, after doing some money, if the situation has not improved, I will apply to a private university.
I don't have plans to get my own family yet, but... who knows, maybe later it can change.

By: José Gahona

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...
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Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

When you leave school I'd like to get a job in summer, for having my own money and buy the things I like, I plan to get learn to drive and I'd love have car.
Too I'd like to study risk prevention in Inacap and want to live with my parents.
When you finish studying at university, I'd like to travel a Puerto Varas, Frutillar and Pucón. I'd like have a family, two children and I plan to get married at 27 or 30 years old.

By: Sofía Godoy Varas

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

Study is markedly better, as this one can get a degree and is easier in the workplace, leaving school and get to work can only be jobs in which you do not need a title and the currency is much more low.
will serve the areas in which one, I have clear that if we study has to be a race to be for the rest of my life, I have to like so much to carry it with the greatest disposition, in my case goes the humanist and art and what I really enjoy doing and after getting my degree to work and buy my stuff by little, to start a family after being stable economic side

BY: Jose Galleguillos'

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