My ideal job

Everyone has an ideal of job, a kind of dream. Having a good salary, a nice schedule, long breaks are among the things you can want. How is your ideal job like?

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Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...
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Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

My ideal job could be a car driver of whatever category, because the drivers make that he likes and in a car designed for this, and also earn money.

By: Jose//Jose

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

My ideal job is architect, because is a job is earn much money.
Also, because you can build their own homes and work designing building, houses, school, etc.
With it job a can have information about tremors, earthquakes.

Sebastián Castellón Molina Nº15
Sofía Godoy Varas Nº26

►Mimy*[15] dijo...

My ideal job is a Hollywood actor. Because meet people, sports cars, mansions, travel around the world and earn money.
The bad are the paparazzi, do not have privacy and few time for family.

By: PatricioCaro - DomynykBrown

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer