
Many people like or dream with different jobs. Everything depends on your skills, interests, plans for the future and even money!!, When I was at 4th grade High school I wanted to be a musician and I even studied to become a professional one. At the same time I studied to be an English teacher, (I didn't like it at that time). Now I love being a teacher, it's a great job, very hard but really challenging and demanding.
What's your favorite job and why?

9 comentarios:

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...
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Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

My favorite job is the architect, because one of my skills is the paint and the drow.
Too because this man gain meny money whit one plane that he sells.

By José Gahona

patricio caro dijo...

My favorite job is publicity, which is what I want for my future. I also have many skills and I like the power to create things, to design and deliver a message to people. One also has to want the reecer and this is what I want and what I dream for my future.

patricio caro dijo...

My favorite job is andersting, which is what I want for my future. I also have many skills and I like the power to create things, to design and deliver a message to people. also one has to want the reason and this is what I want and what I dream for my future.

este el el que vale.

patricio caro dijo...

my favorite job is design advertising, which is what I want in my future, besides I like it because I'm good at this, because if you study it for life and I'm willing to work all my life in this .
I like designing, crienting, inventing, drawing, and transmiting a message to people

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

I like to be risk preventionist engineer. Because is an profession interesting and has all the that want.

By: Sofía Godoy Varas. Nickname: TooTi.

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

I like to be actor, because i would like to become his the actors thqt watch in the movies and because i can express what i feel

►Mimy*[15] dijo...

My favorite job is coach, because I'm gonna be famous like Bielsa, I I wanna travel on differents countries, meet people, like football players, and have a lot of money, and make the best football club of the history.

By: Domynyk Brown

Ailyn Andrea dijo...

I still don't know what I want to study, but I know in what job I wanted to work in when I was a child. Those days my favourite job was Fashion Design, because I wanted to be a famous designer and see my creations walking down the catwalk of Fashion Week's all around the world.

By Ailyn Díaz

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer