What can I do?

A friend of mine went to a party yesterday and got drunk, today he has a terrible hangover, sick feeling, headache and other unconfortable things. What do you think he could take or do?

11 comentarios:

Romina dijo...

I think that this "friend" need sleep so much, and drink lots of liquids, and continue sleep, because him body need go back to hydrate, because with all drink of yesterday, need take a rest after to enjoy.By: Romina Díaz

.......:pilita:....... dijo...

I think that the fiend, drink much water for be detoxified and not dehydrated, take fruit salts, Take tablet for headache like "tapsin" or "aspirina" among other, eat light for not vomit and sleep ( in the possible without noise and light)

By: Camila Ortiz V.

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

Your friend should drink a cold beer at fast, sleep enough and drink liquids a lot for that his body can dry out. In case of that all this not work, he should eat sea food and with that he will be ok! and all his pains only will be memories.

By: Tamara Villalobos Rojas.

Live Musiic dijo...

He should drink much water to hydrate, rest in bed, because that his body rest. Also he should take pills for headache. With that solves the problem.

By: Maximiliano Alfaro :)

Live Musiic dijo...

I think that the friend, need sleep, take aspirina for headache and eat onion because are very good.

By: Algo Galleguillos

krhizx dijo...
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Aldo Dagakoes dijo...

I think that he eat bread with onion and drink a delicious coffe this really works.

by: Rodrigo Araya

krhizx dijo...

I think that the friend,drink much water and need sleep because is very important that the body recover the lost energy.
By:Cristian Rojo

Unknown dijo...

Well, I have never been drunk so I don't know what it's to have a hungover, but I can say that this friend should sleep all day, replenish his body with fruit juice and water, take a shower, switching between cold and hot water and get some exercise.
I hope you get better... and take this advice: don`t drink to much...at least you can handle with a hungover.


_.:CoNI:._ dijo...

I belive that this "friend", should sleep much for rest the body and after he should drink much wather for hydrate, and take an aspirine for the headache.

By: Constanza Zuleta

Anónimo dijo...

-This fiend need dirnk lot liquid (Replenish your body with fruit juice and water or Drink orange juice for Vitamin C) , besibes eat sea food taht is very well for your body and multi B vitamin and drinks a lot of water before going to sleep; he can Take a shower, switching between cold and hot water.
With this It's OK. ^^

----> By: Tatiana Arcos Vega <----

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