The bicentennial man

It's a wonderful movie, full of beautiful moments, scenes and a great acting. Will it be possible for humans to play God and create artificial life? Will they feel like humans or just be droids forever?
What's your opinion?

8 comentarios:

shhiio dijo...

Good, this movie I have the seen too many times, because in the channel 13 the have repeated hundred times... and no is joke jajaja... mmm... and I think I me the is of memory wajakjajka. But regarding the film, I think that for people is super difficult adapted or live with robots(androids)in the same society, as they are simple machines that only have to obey order... nothing more than that!!! and I believe it can not be human, because they were created to obey to us, besides... his mind is a computer... may never be equal to us. "They wanted to be like us" ... but NOT!!!, jajaja.

By Rocío Cortés

GåßøøÞ dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
HighSchoolCeb dijo...

jakjajajaja chio!that you are nerd! xD
though is true!
in the 13 and Red tv channel uuuuf! super repeated! xD
mmm I think thata the movie is very beautiful because... I don't know... made me cry :'(

but! the robots NEVER! will dominate the earth!

by: Leylita Sagüez H.

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

First the all, the movie I it have seen several times, since they have repeated
it often as she said Chio...ajajaja

What fodder is that nobody can play at being Good, though he believes himself the
better robot, always it's will have some fault, though Equal since as one
sees the future I believe taht it's can happened, since the technology in if very
advanced this one.

NaTTa_CDLS (NaTalia Rojas)

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

Really I do not see many movies, Even had heard about " The bicentennial man" ;As said Rocio, in the channel 13 always give it, but never called my attention...
In my opinion seems to me a good enough movie.
I believe that is a movie it brings enough lessons for the life.-
Probably for a society it is difficult treat to live with robot (androids), believe that to me Also would cost myself, would look at them like, they are a robot and they were done to obey and to serve.-
By other part I would not like to be an android for nothing !, I'd rather be a human thousand times and follow the stages of life :)
Although be immortal would not be anything bad jajaja, but I do not like be different.
I also believe that Nothing is God to judge and take rights we do not correspond ,as is
not accept someone, for being different.

{Paulina Ríos}

GåßøøÞ dijo...

First of all, I agree with you teacher, in that is a beautiful film and worthy of some prize Oscar for best performance, and for the special effects, which are too good.

It's one of the best movies than to fact Robin Williams.

Everything is possible in this life, and we already see as men play to be God, not only we see in the movie and I believe that the future will be very similar to what we saw in it.

I wouldn't like to be an immortal android, I prefer to be humane as now and die according to God's plan.

By Gabriela Y.

» Shadowplay.- dijo...

Robin Williams always gives a good performance, but I'm not a fan of this kind of movies. I'm not a fan of that great quantity of special effects as Gabriela and I'm not a fan of technology neither, soo... I don't like the idea of humans playing God. I wouln't like to see a robot acting like a human, going shopping and doing house work.

Also, I don't think that they should feel like humans, and I say it for the poor robots...

I mean, in the film I saw the robot feeling like a human but having a "Robotic Brain" and always acting like a good person... They would probably suffer a lot if they could feel like us =/!
And if they have this "Robotic brain" they would never fail and they couldn't learn of their mistakes. That's (supposed to be)an important thing for humans.

M. Castillo

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

wajajajajajja leyla is crazy!!

about the androids I think that is very difficult that have sentiments or they feel something,because only are machines...and not have a heart with more love like me :).
My opinion is that only GOD is the creator of life...the humans only create machines or things without life....

this is my humble opinion u.u


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