
Is everybody going crazy? Is society guilty? Which is our responsibility into all this? Simple Plan states the idea very clear in the song Crazy, What's your opinion?

15 comentarios:

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

My opinion od the song " crazy" is very good , becouse lyrics is important in society and in people and reflect the realithy life in people in the world.

By sEbastian

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

the song "crazy" is good because express the life of woman and men in this time his realithy in the society.

by:German A

Romina dijo...

The song Crazy by Simple Plan is very interesting, all say this song reflect that happen with the society, and that exist the posibility that nobody think that have importance, but have more importance in special because all is really and very sad.
I think that yes we everybody crazy.

By: Romina Díaz.-

Aldo Dagakoes dijo...

The song "Crazy" of Simple Plan for my is very interesting
because talking about of many trues in this society
beside song rithm is very groovie
Even i don't like the rock but this song i like.

Aldo Dagakoes dijo...
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krhizx dijo...
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krhizx dijo...

"crazy" by simple plan is a song that telling the society. For me is very interesting because reflect the realithy life in people in the world.
Even i don't like the rock but this song i like.
by: cristian rojo

krhizx dijo...

I like the "Crazy" song so much, because reflect what the society is living, especially the young people, because we are busy in things that are not so important like the weight while they are children in Africa starving to death.

Live Musiic dijo...

My opinion about the song Crazy is good, because is a bout the problems of the world society.
Also I like the song.

By: Maximiliano Alfaro :)

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

the song crazy is very good because talk the society and the problem the problem of life. is a exelent song

by alonso olivares

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

i think the song "crazy" is one song very entertaining in the radio but for my is one more song make get money.

by italoo

.......:pilita:....... dijo...

the song "crazy" of simple plan sample reflex of society of today is true that everybody crazy, because imitate attitude superficial (woman tall, skinny, etc) none sense, follow model that offer the mass media that besides is photo with changes. and by follow type of beauty break ours own dreams, the world of today is prejudice by the physical of the person.
see song also of open eyes for so look the problems that see raisin in the world and take knowledge that the problems of other also is ours.
by: Camila Ortiz.^^^^

_.:CoNI:._ dijo...

My opinion about the song "crazy" is that the group simple plan say that the society this very different, because say that the young girls dying to be on TV and wont stop, besides say that the society not see the really of world. Too think that is a song good because speak about the society today.

By: Constanza.

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

"Crazy" by simple plan is a song that show the society such as it is today, a society wrapped in the superficiality, in the lack of values and love, that not have limit nor justice.
I think the society is guilty since is the creator of beauty's ideals, fashion and luxurious lifes that develop in the people mistaken and superficial attitude that not allow they see the essencial of the life.

By: Tamara Villalobos

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

the song crazy say that us we are people that want the money and society is more individualistic and egoistic, the adolescent want diet pills, surgery, photoshoped picture in magazines; say everybody going crazy, something is wrong in the society.

By: Tatiana Arcos.

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer