The job I like

There are many interesting jobs, some of them are difficult, others are exciting but the idea is that you enjoy what you do. What job do you think is good for you? Why?

9 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

The job that i think is good for me is nursing, because I like being with a many people and help them. I belive that is very interesting and is a job important for the society.

Sofia Santander

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

there is a lot of jobs that I would like to do in the future. I would love to be a painter or a writer, I think that those are very beautifoul jobs (and talents to)and that they have the power to help people to have more culture and tolerance with the world around them. on the other side I would like to be a lawyer, being more exactly I would like to job in family courts because justice is something that goes with me and I would enjoy to help people to solve their problems.
Blanca Vicencio C.

Unknown dijo...

I think the job is good for me is architec. because I like create a plans for a building. also I like that my country had a good infrastructure and appearance.

Matias Berenguela

Unknown dijo...

id like to be a techer, because teches childrean new thing as a number,letters,playing, write,draw,colors and etc. they teach to have a good life with others to share with collagues and give tem a good education for the future.

yeraldy piñones

melanny alvarez dijo...

id like to be a nutritionist , because i think is a job where you help people to have a good health in their daily life , also is a job that I would like to do in the future to have a stable job.

Melanny Alvarez
N°List: 3

Unknown dijo...

my favorite job is a photographer, because you can take pictures of different places,beaches,deserts or cities, It is a very nice experience.

Francisco Villalobos

Describing people

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