My favorite movie

Movies makes you dream, gives you a lot of things to think about, people can feel sad, happy, surprised, shocked, thrilled and a much more. I have a long list of favorite movies, one of them is "Kurosawa's Dreams". It's a moving film about nature, mankind, love, hope and happiness, it parallels the life of man with the growth and destruction of the planet. What's your favorite movie? What is it about?

6 comentarios:

quien dijo...
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quien dijo...

my favorite movie is star wars , because have a great special effects, for me is the peak of the movies in the XIX century, the soundtrack is epic, the cast is exact for this kind of films, the script is awesome.
undoubtedly is my favoryte movie.
in addition my favorite character is jar jar binks

Unknown dijo...

My favorite movie is "Pulp Fiction" because this film is very interesting and entertaining, this film makes me amaze, and I LOVE the soundtrack and the scenes with the flashbacks. All that are different a the rest. The era, the connotation. In resume is the best film!

María Contreras

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

my favorite movie is grown up because is entertauning and funny, I laugh when i see and i seen it many times. I like the comedy movies because i like laugh but i also like the science fiction movie like lucy it is very interesting.

name: javiera molina
n°list: 16

KataaIgnaciaa dijo...

My favorite movie is avengers because is very funny, it's an action and adventure movie, It's a group of superheroes who save the world from threats to the earth, they belong to an organization called SHIELD director Nick Fury is called , the one who leads them in their mission to stop the destruction of the earth.

Katalina Trujillo

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer