My ideal couple

Living with someone else is the ideal for most of us, the person we'll choose should meet certain requirements, may be in the physical aspect, in personality or both. Some people like beautiful women or handsome men, other like funny and cheerful ones. What is your ideal mate like?

6 comentarios:

quien dijo...

my ideal couple should be a little girl, of dark and long hair, brown eyes, natural woman.
should be a caring, loving, intelligent and cheerful.

Unknown dijo...

my ideal coupe should be caring just with me, funny and fiendly he should not be rude and proud. I don't pay attention to the appearence but he got my attention if he was taller than me, black skin and colors eyes.

Nombre: javiera molina

Unknown dijo...

My ideal couple has to be caring, worried, happy and natural. In the physical aspect he has to be tall, thin, young, and handsome. More specific no, because the details are irrelevant, i don't pay atenttion in the hair and his color and things like this.

María Contreras

Unknown dijo...

my ideal couple should be funny, jaelous but no much, smart and caring.
She should be shorter than me, and i don't pay attention to appearence.

Juan Pablo Nicolas Pinto Garcia

Darlyn Martínez dijo...

My ideal couple has to be funny, caring with me, natural, and especially cheerful. My ideal couple has to be tall, young, shoot has gross lips and I don't look at in the physical aspect.

-Darlyn Martínez

KataaIgnaciaa dijo...

My ideal couple should be tall,has to be long hair but not very much, his eyes should be expensive, he should be caring only with me,funny,polite, naughty, friendly,talkative, a bit shy, worried with me and a bit jealous.

katalina trujillo

Describing people

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