
If we want to improve in life, we must be concious we need to change, perhaps small changes rather than big and radical ones. Little steps that can lead you to a new, different and better situation. So What would you change about you? What do you wish to be different?

7 comentarios:

pansho cortes dijo...

I wish I were a bit fatter and a little sportsman.
I wish I had more time to made some things, like draw or go out with my friends.

Alee dijo...

I wish change my thinking maybe accept all people as they are with their flaws and his whole being, maybe if this change could be a better person and change all my thinking...
also i wish change the way of how people see me ..


Paula dijo...

I wish I was less lazy and more interested in things, because it is the thing that stops me to do a lot of important things. Maybe it is because I am tired and boring all the time but I wish to change that.
I’m going to try to do more recreative activities, and change my interests and maybe it will change. But I really wish to change my mood, it will help me for my future studies and jobs.

By Pau Ardiles

Lexaa dijo...

i wish i were more mature ,and I wish were had more responsability and used more my time .
by valentina colina

Paula dijo...

I wish to change my personality. I wish I weren`t so angry person and sentimental because this bad turn in many opportunities.
Other aspect I wish I were one person more integral I wishh I did some type of exercise as aerobic, swimming, canopy. I wish I played intrument and sang better. I wish I had more knowledge of politic, history, religion and astronomy and the most importan for me I WHISH I COULD BELIEVE IN MY ABILITIES

By: Francisca Plaza

Debora Sarria dijo...

I wish change my character because many times I they say things and I keep quiet then at some point I could disfavour and I can pass me carry.

Debora Sarria
Bye :)

kathylipa dijo...

Well, as long as i was in school, I was very balanced and wise handle situations very well, but has not been well lately.
what I would change about me is to know to make better decisions with more courage and firmness, also I would like to be less nervous and take things more calmly, not so serious and less anxious ultimoser and enjoy more of the things daily . back to all the effort to put things and try to make them as good as possible.

Describing people

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