Hanging out

Friday and Saturday night are great, we wait for them a whole week and of course we hope to have a great time. Everyone likes different activities, some people love going to the movies, others partying, eating out or just having a drink. What’s your ideal weekend like? What would you like doing? What about the company?

7 comentarios:

Paula dijo...

On weekend I love stay in home watching many movies and listen to music. But my ideal weekend is go to dinner in a nice restaurant with my family or some friends, I like to walk in a park, a beach or maybe in the valley.

Of course I relax watching my favorites tv series eating popcorns or candies, but alone. An activity with my family or maybe a nice conversation. But specialy I like repose of the week's activities.

By Pau Ardiles Lopez

Francisca dijo...

My ideal weekend is going to the beach to the house of my grandparents, take walks, sit in the sand and hear the sea, sometimes I like to go alone to think sometimes I like to go with my friends or my boyfriend I really enjoy it. Also I like to share with my family, watching movies and eating jajja ... the truth I like to do different things, but it is essential to share with people I love most.

By: Francisca Plaza

Anónimo dijo...

My ideal weekend is going to the beach with my family to see the sunset.
I like that too much, because is very quite and I can breathe clean, pure and fresh air. That relax me.
The beach is the best weekend.

Lexaa dijo...

Friday and Saturday night I like going out with friends or just stay home listening to music and playing with my computer, sometimes when I go to meetings with friends voi in the center and stayed at the home of one of them.


Debora Sarria dijo...

the weekend at home i like to be with my family sharing and watching t.v. sometimes i like to go hill walking. but the weekend of my dreams is to go shopping with my parent, in the afternoon to see the sunset at the beach and at nigth go to a party with my friend.

HighSchoolCeb dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
HighSchoolCeb dijo...

My ideal weekend is to be relaxed, carefree and Ciona my loved ones.
Friday would be great to relax, watch television with my grandmother at lunch time.
n the afternoon in my room listening to music, and I Have a time for me, a family barbecue at night Would be amazing.
on Saturday, Spending time at home, and evening out with my friends, until, very late, After a sleepover with my cousins ​​and friends.
to end on Sunday, relaxed, Knowing That They Perform all my Duties in the week and make a delicious dessert with my mom, and Then eat a lot of fun watching a movie, and make us laugh.
the end of the day a relaxing bath and to bed.
santibañez kathy v. c:

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer