Home remedies

Home remedies are a good way to cure some minor illnesses, you can take things you have at hand and then wait for the pain to vanish. There are lots of home remedies, garlic, juice, even raw meat, so What's your usual remedy? What is it for?

8 comentarios:

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

I usually take a warm bath, when I have a headache, also is a very good tip puting some slices of raw potatoes on your forehead, for the high temperatures.
For a cold, when I was a child my mother put some alcohol with mentholatum on my chest, for the cough, so the pain vanish for a little time.

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

↑ By: José Gahona

►Mimy*[15] dijo...

My usual home remedy is drink lime tea for cold, and rue tea or camomile tea for a stomachache. When I have a Headchache put on forehead a slices of potatoes... When I have a bruise I put on it a leaf of cabbage with salt, and for the sore muscles I apply warm with a hot-water bottle.

By: Domynyk Brown

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

My home remedies is for acne:
The acne is of illness that happens in the adolescence between 12 - 24 age.
Some of the remedies are:
1º To apply pulp of aloe vera in the face several times a day.
2º To rub a garlic several times a day.
3º To apply toothpaste on spot

By: Sofía Gomez
P.D: I want the song Iyiyi (Cody Simpson feat. Florida)

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

My usual remedy is to place cooked potatoes in the forehead.Potatoes must be sliced.
Placed on the forehead to relieve pain. Potato turns black, because the fever is absorbed.

if it serves this home remedy for fever.

By: Patricio Caro

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

the usual remedies we use in my house are for burns.
In most cases we use it with my younger brother, we do immediately is chopping onions in tree branches and then we take that and apply salt on the burn immediately so calm the burning and pain, another option is to put slices of ice chips on the burn,another option is to put ice water in the body part that was burned in most cases are the hands and feet are the most common burns in my family.

By: josè galleguillos :D

HighSchoolCeb dijo...

When I was a child and I felt sick my grandma put warm oil with mustard seeds on my back, it is very relaxing and helped me sleep.
For the stress is very good drink herbal waters a good example is the chamomille tea, common rue tea and paico tea.

By Ailyn Diaz ♪

Tercero Medio 2010 dijo...

my home remedies for the hiccups:

some home remedies for the hiccups are, bite and swallow dry bread, also
it cut be eat one teaspoon of sugar without water, it frequently get teh hiccups.
other remedie is, Hold your breath for a few minutes or Sucking on a piece of ice.

by: sebastian castellon

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