Sherlock Holmes is the most famous fictional detective, he is extremely intelligent, adventurous, daring and of course he discovers every mystery he wants to solve. Sherlock Holmes the movie is full of adventure, thrilling moments and even intrigue.
What do you think about the movie? What is your opinion about Sherlock?
16 comentarios:
I think that the movie very is interesting, not is boring and is a movie with much action, but with the personality of Sherlock, is cool.
My opinion about Sherlock is that is a man very intelligent, he has a lot of skills... and a bit crazy. But is a great man, I love his personality.
By: Katherine Vanessa Alfaro Rojas :)
well, I liked this movie much, because I think it is full of adventure and mystery, is very interesting.
I admire the intelligence and cunning of Holmes, it is not very common to have the ability to solve mysteries like Blackwood.
the movie was very good, but the end was pretty boring, since it is as inconclusive.
by valeria alfaro
In my opinion the movie SHERLOCK HOLMES is a very amazing fictional movie in which shown a adventure of the great detective Holmes with tour friend Watson. we fighitng with the evil LORD BLACKWOOD
wich makes a great movie for everything.
Sir Daniels Andrews Herrera Van Madariaga
well.. the history is very interesting because is diferent than other history films.. and the character meet a good job and like aventure & action films..
Fco. Briceño
bless pal volaoH2
pasao a rollo teni puro frio tay terrible tapao..
I quite like the movie, have suspense and mystery. It was very interesting. Especially caught my attention the way Holmes solved mysteries, plus a very good memory. was very interesting, but the end did not like because it is not defined.
By: Valeria Montero.
my opinion about the film, is that it is very interesting, I like the mind his men . and his dog. the great capacity of think of Holmes, made the film is very entertaining also the enemy is very skilfull.
Camilo Alfaro.
i think the movie is very good but i dont like the end is bored and think they have a second part of the movie. sherlock holmes is very funny and crazy and watson is a very loyal friend the movie is about mysteri and adventure i really like thats kinds!
Jose flores
PD:saludo pal Francisco Briceño soi puro lojiii!!!
my opinion about of the movie is very interesting because has much mystery the plot of the movie and what makes it even more the character of Sherlock Holmes is very introverted and intelligent.
then it is a movie where it is impossible not to see.
by sebastian olivares
well... tehe history is very interesting and has a very good plot and I admire the personality of Sherlock because he is very inteligent, brave, bold and a little creazy. I like this movie I never thought it was so entertaining...
by Carolina Ramirez XD :Z
I belive that the movie is very interesting because the plot prompt a sensation de mistery. the suspense is a key in this movie and the characters are very well performance.
the setting is very well, represent very good the industrial england of the XIX Century.
Is a exellent movie.
By: Mister Ivan de la Carvajal Y Juica. DECANO DE HISTORIA EN EL ELECTIVO DE INGLES.
I belive that the movie is very interesting because the plot very well. the suspense is a key in this movie and the characters are very well performe.
the setting is very well, represent well the industrial england of the XIX Century.
Is a very good movie.
By: Mister Ivan de la Carvajal Y Juica. DECANO DE HISTORIA EN EL ELECTIVO DE INGLES.
this movie is a combination of magic and fiction, is very entertaining but I did not see from the beginning but caught my attention and I would like to see the whole thing and have even a little of the mentality he has.
by: daniela cabezas
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