The story of Melvin Noggle

"When I decided to become the first person to hop across the United States, " thought Melvin Noggle, "I don't know what I was thinking!" Melvin Noggle was in Pennsylvania, about 10 miles from Pittsburgh.  He was hopping along Highway 24, and he was exhausted!  His sister, Nina, was riding
behind him in a van with the words "Melvin Noggle Hops Across America" in big red letters.
Each night, Melvin slept inside the van.  Nina made sure he drank enough water during the day.  Each morning, he had to get up and start hopping.  Melvin had been hopping for a month, and they still had a long way to go.  "Oh, well," Melvin thought, "at least Pennsylvania is kind of flat."  He
looked at the highway stretched out in front of him.  "At least there aren't any dogs like the ones that started chasing me in New Jersey!" As he hopped along, he thought he saw a few dark clouds in the
(finish the story)

taken from The funbook of creative writing by Dennis E. Paul

Winter vacations

Winter is a tough time, but there's a small reward after a long and hard school semester so vacactions are always welcomed. Did you enjoy your vacations? What did you do?

My favorite music style

Music is everywhere, every activity we do can be accompanied with music, important ceremonies, parties and celebrations. But there is music for everyone, some like sticky tunes from pop, other some soothing like ballads or chill out, others something harder like rock or even metal. So What's your favorite style? Why? What is it like? Who´s your favorite Singer or band from that style?

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer