My weekend

Weekend is a time to rest and relax, you can make things that make you forget the routine and responsibilities of school or work. What did yoy do last weekend?

Life in the past

People enjoyed different things in the past, they did simple things like staying home and listen to the radio, knitting or quilting. Today people have a huge list of activities to do on weekends, they can go to a club or a pub, see a movie or other things.  What are the weekend activities you like the most? Why? What activities from the past would you like to try?

My favorite movie

Movies makes you dream, gives you a lot of things to think about, people can feel sad, happy, surprised, shocked, thrilled and a much more. I have a long list of favorite movies, one of them is "Kurosawa's Dreams". It's a moving film about nature, mankind, love, hope and happiness, it parallels the life of man with the growth and destruction of the planet. What's your favorite movie? What is it about?

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer