About me

Hi, this is me the teacher and I would like to share some things about me with you. I am from La Serena and I've lived all my life here. My family is not so small, my wife and my three daughters. I am an only child. I am an english teacher and work in Elena Bettini school and in an english lab here in La Serena. I like music, computers, reading and drawing (even I don't read and draw a lot lately). My favorite movies are LOTR and the Star Wars saga. How about you?

My favorite city

Chile is a country of many nice and attractive places, we are plenty of beautiful cities. One of my favorites is Frutillar, you can enjoy peace and nature by the lake shore, enjoy the attractive german architecture and of course try a german kuchen, I love Frutillar, which is your favorite city?

Welcome back

Hello again and welcome to a new school year, a year full of new things and challenges for you. Work hard and enjoy learning more and new things.
Best wishes!!

Describing people

Valkyrie, official trailer